Cougar Care is a collaborative team project for a monthly Care Package service that is catered to Kean University students who WERE undergoing stress/depression from being quarantined during virtual classes BACK IN 2020.
The objectives of the care package service WAS to motivate by providing items that wOULD allow students to treat themselves through self care to enhance their academic attitude, educate about the different health sources that Kean provides to treat stress, and give students a sense of pride with Kean - branded items.
(Care Package content visuals made / provided BY KHALEED MORROW.)
! ! ! Official Prototype ! ! !
Note: Since it is a prototype and only one single flow was created for testing, some / most features will not be working. This is intentional to keep the test simple.
ClICK THE PICTURE ON THE LEFT TO TEST this prototype AND EXPLORE the process for purchasing the "True You" care package.
Original Concept
(visual design)